Friday, March 5, 2010

Storing wheat flour

I love to grind my own wheat. I will usually set aside a day to do all my grinding for 2 weeks. I have a fairly small family (1 3 year old, 1 8 month old), so we don't go through food as fast as a family of say, 6 does. It is nice to get it all done and not have to worry about needing to grind flour when I need it for a recipe. That grinder is sure loud and takes some prep working getting it all ready to go, so like I said, I like to do it only once every other week. I get enough done to last me and I don't have to get everything out (usually) until my next grinding day.

I'm sure you've heard all sorts of things about flour/wheat losing its nutrients if it sits on the counter, or in the pantry. I've researched a few facts for storing wheat flour. Once ground, flour can be stored in an airtight container, a #10 can, a zip top bag, etc. Freezing is nice as it will kill any weevils.

Wheat flour can be stored without losing nutrients or going rancid:
In the freezer for up to 12 months
Refrigerator: up to 6 months
Room Temperature: up to 3 months

How many cups of flour will you get out of a #10 can of wheat (weighing 5.8 lbs.)?
About 17 cups.

source: *awesome blog!

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