Sunday, May 30, 2010

Food Storage binders

Did you miss our last mini-class on 'Food Storage 101-the basics' or 'What to do with your Food Storage now that you have it'?

During our class, we made up food storage binders, talked about all sorts of 'food storage' questions. I have multiple copies of what we went over and learned, and put together if you are interested. Please let me know and I will get you a copy and help you get yours set up. (Totally easy!)

Do this! It is going to be so nice to have a place where ALL you food storage stuff can be put. I know how it is, I had papers all over the house. Old handouts, things I've printed out, etc. Once this binder is made, make it your own. It will be so nice to have everything organized and all in one place for you to use as a resource.


  1. I'd love a copy of the handouts! I can pick them up from you next Sunday, thanks! Renee

  2. I will be sure to get them to Carrie. I might or might not be in town on Sunday. Make sure to check the clipboard and I'll try to have it well stocked:)
